Sunday, January 22, 2012


This past Friday night was my last regularly scheduled weekend night at my hotel job. From now on, my schedule is Monday through Thursday nights, unless Frank, the other night auditor, or I need to make changes for special occasions. It feels so good to have weekends off like a normal person.

Ron and I are planning lots of weekend trips to make up for lost time (I figure that in the last 2 1/2 years, I've had about 4 weekends off TOTAL). Most of the trips will be fairly close (Colorado, Texas, elsewhere in New Mexico) and staying with family or friends. But there is a very special long weekend coming up; I'll be going to Virginia to see my mom and nearby siblings. I can't wait for that! Other longer trips are still in the planning stages and include Moab, Utah, one of our favorite places in the world.

Let's hear it for weekends!!

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