Saturday, September 29, 2007

More Fall Weather

I know I keep repeating myself, but I just love the fall weather. We're having highs in the 70s and lows in the 30s, a few times as low as 30 or 31. It's great sleeping weather. We're at that perfect time of year when we don't run the swamp cooler OR the furnace. In the mornings, I open the shades on the front windows to let the morning sunshine warm up the house (except yesterday, when it was cloudy gray all day).

I found a really great local website that's a webcam showing a live picture of Taos Mountain (also known as Pueblo Peak); it updates every 15 seconds, but of course it's shut down at night when it's too dark to see. The website is . I've added it to the list of links on the right, so you can look at it anytime. This is the same mountain I can see from the house, but at a slightly different angle. It's fascinating to see how it changes -- the light and shadows on the mountain and the clouds all around it, sometimes in front of it. Soon there will be snow on the upper part of the mountain, probably in a couple of weeks.


Anonymous said...

The webcam is great! I look forward to checking it out as the seasons change.

Beth said...

I'm glad you like it. That'll have to hold you until you can come out and see the mountain in real life.

Terry and/or Walter said...

We enjoyed the 24 hour show. The mountain is beautiful, the clouds rushing by, and all the little animals moving around so quickly.

Elle said...

Love the webcam...hear about it in Virginia, but just got home late last night, then had YaYa meeting today.
fall is just the best! The dogwood tree in front of the house on Marshall is a lovely rusty color. We drove to Charlottesville, too, and the fall colors are stronger there.
Hope you continue to have such a nice in between climate for a while.