These wildflowers are "volunteers" growing near our front gate. We didn't plant them, but they come up every year. I'm not even sure what kind they are. The wild sunflowers are starting to pop up on the sides of all the roads around here, especially Blueberry Hill.
Here in New Mexico, the wildflowers don't bloom in the spring; they bloom in the late summer and early fall. I'm glad to see them blooming for two reasons. First, they're so pretty and second, it means the end of summer is in sight. I decided yesterday that I'm really REALLY tired of summer and ready for fall. It hasn't been that beastly hot of a summer, but it's definitely been a humid one, more humid than usual. And we've been running the swamp cooler a lot. It keeps the house relatively cool, but it makes it more humid inside, too. Sometimes it just feels cool and clammy in here.
This morning was great. First thing in the morning, it was only 50 degrees. The air felt wonderfully cool. I took my mug of coffee out to the screen room to drink it and enjoy the coolness. It's like the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. In only a couple of weeks, the air will be cool and crisp like that every morning and evening. I can't wait!
Me either!!
p.s.:Loved the hummingbird pic.
Hi! Thanks for leaving your comment on my blog. I have never been to New Mexico and hope to visit someday.
An ex-boyfriend of mine lives in Alberqurque; at our 20 year reunion, he won the prize for traveling the farthest to get there (we both grew up in Florida.)
Feel free to drop by any time.
Tina, I "know" you from the Killilea fans group (the first one). I miss your thoughtful posts there, but I keep up with you through your blog.
Come to New Mexico in the fall. It's the best time there.
As a confirmed summer hater, I'm with you on the change of season coming and it being welcome. Those flowers look lovely and similar in shape to coneflowers, but a different color. I love volunteers like that :)
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